Working from home may be a new adventure for many of us in recent times… and we have never been on so many Zoom meetings in our lives! There are lots of blogs out there giving you very helpful tips on how to be professional during a zoom meeting, but this one is a little different. We want to give you THREE easy and helpful tips to make sure that your home looks presentable even in the midst of chaos!
1) Face Your Clutter
There is nothing more distracting than a cluttered background during a zoom meeting. Nobody wants to see your overloaded laundry basket, pile of dirty dishes or kids toys scattered all over the floor. What is the solution? Face that clutter, and we mean literally!! Nobody expects you to pick up before every call, just make sure YOU are facing the clutter and NOT your computer screen!

2) Light The Front (Not The Back)
Our best piece of lighting advice, position your desk so your face is lit. Please don’t sit with your back facing a window. The shadows will be super harsh, and depending on the time of day, people, might not be able to see your expressions at all! In the event you can’t face a window AND the clutter, we suggest investing in a ring light or umbrella light. There are lots of ways to make sure your FACE is lit!

3) Check Behind You
If you are doing multiple zoom meetings a day, we suggest creating a beautiful background on the wall behind you. In a perfect scenario, your back is to a wall, with a big window in your front or side and the clutter anywhere but in the screen. Don’t be afraid of hanging a few key pieces of art behind you, set up a beautiful clutter free bookshelf behind you with pieces that tell a bit about your personality, and in a pinch, use a room divider behind you. Nothing says chic like a vintage piece as your background.

We hope you enjoyed these tips on creating a zoom worthy space. As you can see, it only takes a few simple steps to be professional and presentable. We hope you will share with us how you created YOUR zoom worthy space.